Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eating ternip with tonic herbs together is very dangerous

As the saying goes: "eat eat Luobu Xia Dong Jiang, do not work a doctor's prescription." This is transformed into a winter radish "ginseng", the health of significance. Saying that the listing of winter white radish, glowing, Ga bang crisp, sweet enough. Not only taste good, its still a very good medicinal value. Fangcun Branch of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Gastroenterology, said the main Renchen Yan, radish with elimination toxins, phlegm heat, lower gas wide, and detoxification. Modern research also found that trace elements contained in carrots can enhance immunity. Experts point out that in the winter to eat the white radish, on the physical benefits, but those who eat carrots spleen, spleen and stomach to eat the carrot may be more "virtual."
Eat white radish, can help digestion. "In the winter, often encountered in gastroenterology clinics because of dyspeptic patients eat too much, in fact, you can eat some white radish, especially to eat hot pot, add a piece of white radish in the soup, the way, not only make hot soup taste even more delicious, but also to avoid the situation of indigestion. because, under the radish gas Xiaozhi good role. "CHEN Yan suggested," Xiaozhi is the elimination diet, "stagnant" to help digestion . When you eat too much or abdominal pain, abdominal distention after eating meat, indigestion and other symptoms, do not rush to find drugs, eat a few carrots give it a try. "

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