Thursday, December 23, 2010

Too fresh vegetables is also harmful to health

Most people like to put fresh oil (oil products) and green vegetables bought fresh and cooked food after taking advantage of that to do the dishes on human health (health food) useful. Can vegetables (vegetable food) to eat too fresh, will cause trouble. Had just picked vegetables, often with a variety of harmful substances. Now the production of crops, are a lot of use of fertilizers and other organic fertilizers, especially in order to control pests and diseases, often use a variety of pesticides, sometimes even a day or two before picking vegetables also to the use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides are often those harmful.
In fact, fresh does not necessarily mean more nutritious. Scientists found that most of the vegetables, the nutrients stored content after a week and just picked almost the same time, or even identical. According to the U.S., a food science professor found that tomatoes, potatoes and cauliflower through the week after the deposit, they contain vitamin C decreased, whereas cabbage, melon, green peppers and spinach stored after a week, its little vitamin C content change. After cold-storage of cabbage contains more than even fresh cabbage is rich in vitamins (vitamin food) C.
Therefore, we must not for a simple life in the pursuit of fresh vegetables, while ignoring the harmful substances which may exist. For proper storage of fresh vegetables for some time we should make the gradual decomposition of harmful substances remaining weakened after eating too late, and those who easily decay of vegetables, should also be washed several times after eating.

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