Thursday, December 23, 2010

Three kinds of food we should not eat in the morning

Day the morn, we all know, is the beginning of the first day, then eat a good breakfast or not directly related to your health, we need to know that this is a very real problem, but to commit an error, or is not a rational approach of the ... ...
One. Bogey drink plenty of cold drinks: the temperature difference between the Assembly strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, too, leading to sudden contracture.
II. Avoid fasting bananas: Bananas contain Zhumian potassium in addition, also contains large amounts of magnesium, if fasting food, the amount of magnesium in the blood would suddenly rise, and magnesium affect the heart function is one of the sensitive elements .
III. Avoid fasting eat pineapple: Pineapple contains strong enzymes, fasting eat and Shang Wei, its nutrients to be better after dinner can be absorbed.
Tip: Do not fasting early morning or eat garlic vinegar alone. Fasting vinegar alone will lead to too much stomach acid Shang Wei; and garlic will gastric mucosa, intestinal wall to cause irritation, causing stomach cramps. Know the early morning food taboos, should immediately act to find a solution for your stomach, where several recommendations, for your choice:

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